State of Suspension
82 minutes documentary, 2008
The film examines in nine chapters what has happened to us Israelis after 60 years of independence; what went wrong, and how we turned from victims to victimizers.
The film uses satirical interactions with Israelis, Jews and Arabs, to confront viewers with thought-provoking questions and tasks, such as asking for forgiveness for the killing of innocent Palestinians or Israelis and considering who the enemy would be in a bi-national state with equal rights for Arab citizens and peace with the Arab world.
This powerful film has been described as “a nail gun: sharp and fast, pinning critical ideas down so an argument cannot be obfuscated, and the humanitarian issues squirm away into the half-flight of apathy.”
Hebrew with English subtitles.
Screened: Israeli premier screenings: Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem cinematheques, February 2010.
Festivals: World premiere: Levante International Film Festival (in competition), Bari, Italy, 2009